이지항 사진
  • 학위: 박사
  • 연구실 : (O관)제1교수회관 (O311)
  • 세부전공 : 의사결정, 뇌기반인공지능
  • 박사, Univ. of Bath Department of Computer Science (세부전공 : Artificial Intelligence), 201506
  • 조교수, 상명대학교, (2020.03~ )
  • 연구조교수, KAIST, (2019.01~2020.02)
  • KI PostDoc Fellow, KAIST, (2017.01~2018.12)
  • Research Associate, University of Bath, UK, (2015.07~2016.08)
  • 책임연구원, 삼성전자 DMC연구소, (2005.12~2010.05)
  • 주임연구원, 한글과컴퓨터 , (2000.11~2005.11)
  • Biological Reinforcement Learning via Predictive Spacetime Encoding, Korean Artificial Intelligence Association Conference , 202008
  • Optimal control of human inference process, (Under review), 202002
  • Deep interaction between reinforcement learning algorithms and human reinforcement learning , (Under review), 202002
  • Designing model-based and model-free reinforcement learning tasks without human guidance (Extended version of RLDM 2019), Advances in Neural Information Processing, Workshop on Biological and Artificial Reinforcement Learning, 201912
  • Development of an Improved Model to Predict Building Thermal Energy Consumption by Utilizing Feature Selection, Energies, 201911
  • Investigating Primary Factors Affecting Electricity Consumption in Non-Residential Buildings Using a Data-Driven Approach, Energies, 201910
  • Designing model-based and model-free reinforcement learning tasks without human guidance, The Multi-disciplinary Conference on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making (RLDM), 201907
  • Lifespan design of conversational agent with growth and regression metaphor for the natural supervision on robot intelligence, 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 201903
  • Towards High Performance, Memory Efficient, and Fast Reinforcement Learning : Lessons from Decision Neuroscience, Science Robotics, 201901
  • Metacognition for a Common Model of Cognition, AAAI 2018 Fall Symposium, 201810
  • Automated Knowledge Base Completion Using Collaborative Filtering and Deep Reinforcement Learning, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 201810
  • Using Social Reasoning Framework to Guide Normative Behaviour of Intelligent Virtual Agents, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 201810
  • A computational model for designing energy behaviour change interventions, User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction (UMUAI), 201803
  • Fribo: A Social Networking Robot for Increasing Social Connectedness through Sharing Daily Home Activities from Living Noise Data, The 13th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI 2018), 201803
  • Maximally separating and correlating model-based and model-free reinforcement learning, Computational and Systems Neuroscience 2018 (COSYNE 2018), 201802
  • How Smart Do Smart Meters Need to Be?, Building and Environment, 201711
  • A Study on Interaction Design of Companion Robots Based on Emotional State, Journal of Digital Contents Society (written in Korean), 201711
  • The Effects of Virtual Competitors on AR (Augmented Reality) Home Training System: Focusing on Immersion, Perceived Competition, and Learning Motivation, Science of Emotion and Sensibility (written in Korean), 201710
  • Hey, Wake Up: Come Along with the Artificial Learning Companion to the e-Learner's Outcomes High!, CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 201705
  • Overheating in vulnerable and non-vulnerable households, Building Research & Information, 201702
  • Blur robust optical flow using motion channel, Neurocomputing , 201701
  • Designing sensor sets for capturing energy events in buildings, Building and Environment, 201612
  • Investigating the Overheating Risk in Refurbished Social Housing, 9th Windsor Conference: Making Comfort Relevant, Network for Comfort and Energy Use in Buildings, 201604
  • Event: Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 2014, Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour (AISB) Quarterly, 201507
  • N-Jason: Run-Time Norm Compliance in AgentSpeak(L), Engineering Multi-Agent Systems, 201405
  • Run-Time Norm Compliance in BDI Agents, International conference on Autonomous agents and multi-agent systems (AAMAS 2014), 201405
  • Robust Optical Flow against Camera Motion Blur using RGB-Motion Imaging and Directional Filters, IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2014), 201403
  • Towards Polite Virtual Agents using Social Reasoning Techniques, Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 201308
  • Governing Intelligent Virtual Agent Behaviour with Norms, International conference on Autonomous agents and multi-agent systems (AAMAS 2013), 201305
  • Decoupling Cognitive Agents and Virtual Environments, Cognitive Agents for Virtual Environments, 201206
  • Apparatus and method for non-invasive control of human leanring and inference process at both behavioral and neural levels based upon brain-inspired artificial intelligence technique (pending, Korea/USA), Jee Hang Lee, Sang Wan Lee,
  • Apparatus and Method for Eliciting Optimal Strategy of the Humans in the Interactive Games using Artificial Intelligence (Pending, Korea/USA), Jee Hang Lee, Sang Hyun Lee, Sang Wan Lee,
  • Apparatus and method for constructing and self-evolving knowledge base of brain functions (pending, Korea), Jee Hang Lee, Chang Hwa Lee, Sang Wan Lee,
  • Apparatus and Method for 3D Packet Scale Down with Proxy Server in Mobile Environment (pending, USA), Jee Hang Lee, Dong Jun Kum, Soon Hwan Kwon, Seung Jae Han, Dong Jin Sohn ,
  • Outstanding Paper Award (Deep Interaction between Reinforcement Learning Algorithms and Human Reinforcement Learning), Korean Artificial Intelligence Association Conference, 20200828
  • Outstanding Paper Award (Biological Reinforcement Learning via Predictive Spacetime Encoding), Korean Artificial Intelligence Association Conference, 20200828
  • Best Paper Award, ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, 20180304
  • KI PostDoc Fellowship, KAIST, 20170115
  • Recognising Excellence Scheme, University of Bath, UK, 20151109
  • AAMAS Student Scholarship, Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 20140505
  • AISB Travel Award, Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour (AISB), 20140401
  • Best Student Paper, Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV'14), 20140324
  • University Research Scholarship, University of Bath, UK, 20100201